zaterdag 31 juli 2010

Hi, today I'd came home from scouting camp! I'm really tired, in total I biked 210 kilometers (euhm... 1 kilometer = 0.621371192 miles...) So today I won't post a real post about any thing. But don't worry! I'll write about it tomorrow!

vrijdag 23 juli 2010

I'll see you next week! :D
Jade (chanel)
Sold out forever ( catrice)

Hi,first the photo of the day : my great nails! look >>>
I love them! I did it with a sponge :P.

Tomorrow I'm going on camp :D. I'd packed so I'm ready:P Today I went shopping with my sister (the day before yesterday's photo) and I bought: A red top with je t'aime on it from the new yorker, an mini belt from the H&M, a sweater with Boom on it of the new yorker, a top coat from the HEMA and a nail polish from catrice named Sold out forever( 2,50 euros). It should look like Jade from Chanel (21,50! euros), I'll see.

Oops the photos are on the top of the page sorry! They look pretty the same, don't they?

donderdag 22 juli 2010

Hi, it's thursday so that means it's a do nothing day! So it won't be a long post. O, first I will show you the picture, today is it: me and my adorable niece! Isn't she cute? <3

Well it won't be a long post, I don't know what to write about! There didn't really happen something. So...... This was it for today! (I know it's really short >.<)

woensdag 21 juli 2010

Hi, here I'm! Well actually I would do my paper round , but rather that I'm sitting at the computer with a twilight book. But I save money up for a laptop ( I don't know how its called in English >.<). But it takes so long, and if I do have my computer, I can make movies for this blog. ( And even better, I will no longer be kicked from the computer by my sister. Finally justice!) My birthday is coming ( 7 October) so that will help.

But I have a question for you guys! What do you want me to write about? Write it by the reactions, and maybe your comment will be chosen! And I have also an idea, every day I will (try to) post a photo of something. The first photo is : me and my sister ( with sunglasses >.<)

Hé, the bell rings. Wait a second. ... Hey, it's my package from scouting! ( I know what you think:"scouting ieuw" but it's more having fun with your friends.) Next week I'm going on camp for a week, that means a week none posts. After that a week posts, and then a whole month nothing. I'm going on vacation (we have summer vacation)

dinsdag 20 juli 2010

Hi! This is my first blog about my life and everything that comes with it. Let me tell something about me, I'm 12 years old and I'm on high school. I live in the Netherlands, that's why my English is not always good. I do really love fashion, beauty and making my own clothes. I hope you enjoy my blog!